
< 被害報告があった千葉県の施設
2011年7月21日 (木) 15:43時点におけるAyumi (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (facilities in Chiba prefecture reported damages)
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facilities in Chiba prefecture reported damage

Asahi City Library

damage to staff and users:nothing

damage to the facility: some materials in the archive fell and scattered

Ino Tadataka Memorial

damage to the staff and users:nothing

damage to the facility:nothing

damage to the collection and exhibition:acid-free paper in a box didn't fall from the shell in the collection room

other damage:some tiles of Ino Tadataka's former residence(historic sites) fell

Urayasu Central Library

damage to the staff and users:nothing

damage to the facility:some damage in the closed shelves archive(quoted from HP)

damage to the books:some archives fell and scattered in central library and other annexe. Few archives are in total losses.

another damage:water outage in some annexe(Tomioka, Mihama, Hinode, Takasu) in reclamation district.

Sakura City Sakura Library

damage to the staff and users:nothing

damage to the facility:the photos just after the earthquake [1]

Sakura Library: some shelves were destructed. Deformation of fall prevention equipment of shelves in the whole floor

Shidu Library: materials in the 3rd floor archives are not in available

damage to the books:some materials like reference date are destructed, but they can be repaired.

another damage:water outage on 11th March 16:00~ red water from the afternoon on 13th March in districts around Sakura Library

Shirai City Library

damage to the staff and users:nothing

damage to the facility:water leak by the broken sprinkler and cracks in the entrance.

damage to the books:some books fell from the shelves and scattered.

Chiba Science University Library

breakdown of the announcement facility. return post is destructed by tsunami

damage to the staff and users:nothing

damage to the facility:flood about 30 cm in the mail campus by tsunami

damage to the books: 2 CD-ROM data are broken. other books are damaged by falldown and scattering

Chiba Central Library

damage to the staff and users:nothing

damage to the facility:some windows were broken and books over the 3rd floor were scattering

damage to the books: some scattering books were damaged

Chiba City Central Museum Annex Museum of Sea

no damage to people some damage to the exhibition

damage to the facility: some shelves were deformated

damage to the exhibition: pop of the magazines,falldown. some sample specimen(leaf specimen etc) were damaged.

other damage: nothing

Chiba City Boso Billage

damage to the staff and users:nothing

damage to the facility:many old houses. many light damage, such as felldown of roofs and stucco on the walls,cracks in the garden pathes.

damage to the collection and exhibition:nothing another damage:nothing

Chiba City Kasori Midden Museum

damage to the facility: some damage on the exhibition room and collections.

Nagareyama City Museum

damage to the collection and exhibition:some collections and exhibition were damaged.

Narita City Library damage to the staff and users:nothing

damage to the facility:

11th March 2011:11000 books were fell in the main building, 11500, in Narita annex.big damage in the archives and library rooms. water leak by the destructed plumbing.

12th March 2011:falldown of books by the aftershockes. some books in the mail building, about 500 in Narita annex.

19th March 2011:falldown of books by the aftershockes. about 30 books in Narita annex.

damage to the books: some data were damaged, such as some news papers of pocket edition in material room, but they can be repaired.

another damage: water leak by destructed plumbing,halt of air conditioner

Hunabashi City West Library[

damage to the staff and users: unclear

damage to the facility: some cracks on the windows, lean of the post ,slope in the some part of floor in the 2nd floor