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最新版 編集中の文章
1行目: 1行目:
s.morimoto が翻訳中
s.morimoto が翻訳中
== '''For university/college staff and students''' ==
== '''For university/college staff and students''' ==
15行目: 13行目:
::Uploaded data of “Support information provided by research institutions for disaster victim researchers and students” and addenda can be searched on map.
::Uploaded data of “Support information provided by research institutions for disaster victim researchers and students” and addenda can be searched on map.
== '''For library staff''' ==
== '''図書館で働く皆様へ''' ==
東日本大震災の被災者とくに大学生や研究者に対して、全国の図書館が行っているサービス提供の事例を紹介します。 被災地以外でも、多くの方が遠方に避難しておりますので、被災地であろうがなかろうが、図書館が被災者に対してできることはいろいろあります。ぜひ、あなたの図書館でも取り組んでみてください。
Listed below are the support services provided by libraries all over Japan to support people, especially academics and students, affected by Great East Japan Earthquake and its related disasters. As many people have sought refuge in various areas away from the disaster-stricken areas, libraries in any place can help them in many ways. Do please consider to have your own arrangement at your library, too.
* [http://www.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/janul/index.html 被災した大学に所属する教職員、学生(、一部機関は被災地の一般の方も含む)向けの図書館サービスのご案内](国立大学図書館協会)
* [http://www.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/janul/index.html Information on library Services available:: for staff and students belonging to disaster affected universities/colleges](Library Association of National Universities) -some available for the general public as well
* [http://www.jaspul.org/sinsai/index.html 東日本大震災で被災された地域の大学図書館に対する支援](私立大学図書館協会)(2011-04-14発表/2011-04-15確認)
:Our site is constructed based on this site.  Details of damages of national universities in Tohoku area are available as well.
* [http://www.jaspul.org/sinsai/index.html Support services for university/college libraries in the Great East Japan Earthquake affected area](Library Association of Private Universities)(information uploaded 2011-04-14, checked 2011-04-15)
* '''私立大学や公立大学の情報を探しています。'''
* '''Information on private and public universities wanted.'''
:Please contact Fumiko Soda [at] gmail.com should you have any information.
== ''' Study/Research support map (university/college libraries)'''==
== '''学習・研究支援マップ(大学図書館版)'''==
*Universities/Colleges and their libraries in the disaster-stricken area may be closed at present.  However, there are many university/college libraries which have support programmes for study and research activities of those belong to universities/colleges in disaster-stricken areas.  They are shown on the following map.
{{#widget:Google Maps
{{#widget:Google Maps
51行目: 51行目:
※Please note: the map is under construction (Some libraries may not appear on the map).
== '''大学図書館が実施しているサービス一覧(地方別)''' ==
== '''大学図書館が実施しているサービス一覧(地方別)''' ==
1,477行目: 1,477行目:
::(2011-03-18発表 [[http://www.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/?p=6052 発表内容]] 2011-04-08確認)[記入者:りぶっくま]
::(2011-03-18発表 [[http://www.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/?p=6052 発表内容]] 2011-04-08確認)[記入者:りぶっくま]
== 今後の作業 ==
== 今後の作業 ==
1,487行目: 1,486行目:
translated by s.morimoto

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