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最新版 編集中の文章
1行目: 1行目:
{{Other languages}}
*bouvardia 翻訳中
= Useful Information for Suffered People =
= Usuful Information for Suffered People =
== Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet ==
== Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet ==
199行目: 200行目:
:-[http://japan.person-finder.appspot.com/?redirect=0&suppress_redirect=yes "Person Finder: 2011 Japan Earthquake"] is available in Japanese, English, Korean, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish and Vietnamese
:-[http://japan.person-finder.appspot.com/?redirect=0&suppress_redirect=yes "Person Finder: 2011 Japan Earthquake"] is available in Japanese, English, Korean, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish and Vietnamese
== [http://nip0.wordpress.com/about/ Japan earthquake how to protect yourself] ==
== [http://nip0.wordpress.com/about/ Japan earthquake how to protect yourself] ==
:-Guide to take care and protect yourself during the earthquake-basic advice
:-Guide to take care and protect yourself during the earthquake-basic advice
:-This website was created in response to the Great Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake that struck Japan on March 11. The mission of this website is to provide and spread useful information on earthquake preparedness to non- Japanese speakers living in Japan. Now in 41 languages.
:-This website was created in response to the Great Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake that struck Japan on March 11. The mission of this website is to provide and spread useful information on earthquake preparedness to non- Japanese speakers living in Japan. Now in 41 languages.

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