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最新版 編集中の文章
10行目: 10行目:
=== Damage of staff and users ===
=== Damage of staff and users ===
* No human casualties(It had been closed in preparation for the opening of the new building since January).<ref name="staff">Visually by employees (3/11~3/18)</ref>
* No human casualties(It had been closed in preparation for the opening of the new building since January).<ref name="staff">Visually by employees(3/11〜3/18)</ref>
* No human casualties reported at Iwanuma City Library, Iwanuma City Library (new building), West annex, and East annex. <ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_1st">[http://www.library.pref.miyagi.jp/20110311_jishin_miyagi.html The East Japan Earthquake related information (Miyagi Prefecture Library) 3.11 Earthquake information(1) obtained on 16/3/2011 16:45]</ref><ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd">[http://www.library.pref.miyagi.jp/20110311_jishin_miyagi.html The East Japan Earthquake related information (Miyagi Prefecture Library) 3.11 Earthquake information(2) obtained on 23/3/2011 17:10]</ref><ref name="miyagi_lib_0407_1st">[http://www.library.pref.miyagi.jp/20110311_jishin_miyagi.html The East Japan Earthquake related information (Miyagi Prefecture Library) (1)4.7 aftershock related information obtained on 14/4/2011 23:40 MY-NET]</ref>
* No human casualties reported at Iwanuma City Library, Iwanuma City Library (new building), West annex, and East annex. <ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_1st">[http://www.library.pref.miyagi.jp/20110311_jishin_miyagi.html The East Japan Earthquake related information (Miyagi Prefecture Library) 3.11 Earthquake information(1) obtained on 16/3/2011 16:45]</ref><ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd">[http://www.library.pref.miyagi.jp/20110311_jishin_miyagi.html The East Japan Earthquake related information (Miyagi Prefecture Library) 3.11 Earthquake information(2) obtained on 23/3/2011 17:10]</ref><ref name="miyagi_lib_0407_1st">[http://www.library.pref.miyagi.jp/20110311_jishin_miyagi.html The East Japan Earthquake related information (Miyagi Prefecture Library) (1)4.7 aftershock related information obtained on 14/4/2011 23:40 MY-NET]</ref>
16行目: 16行目:
* Cracks in the entrance ramp, etc., suspected troubles in air conditioning equipment were reported.<ref name="staff"/>
* Cracks in the entrance ramp, etc., suspected troubles in air conditioning equipment were reported.<ref name="staff"/>
* Iwanuma City Library(old building)
* [Iwanuma City Library(old building)] March 11 earthquake caused cracks in the entrance ramp and parking lot,etc., shallow cracks in conference room,etc.  Some problems occurred in the heating and cooling equipment. Bookshelves fell at several locations.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/>April 11 aftershock expanded the cracks in the entrance ramp and parking lot,etc.  Systems remained healthy.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0407_1st"/>
** March 11 earthquake caused cracks in the entrance ramp and parking lot,etc., shallow cracks in conference room,etc.  Some problems occurred in the heating and cooling equipment. Bookshelves fell at several locations.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/>April 11 aftershock expanded the cracks in the entrance ramp and parking lot,etc.  Systems remained healthy.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0407_1st"/>
* [Iwanuma City Library (new building)] Almost no damage occured in March 11 earthquake.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/>One unit of fluorescent lights in the archive fell in April 11 aftershock.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0407_1st"/>
* Iwanuma City Library (new building)
* [Iwanuma City Library West Annex] No huge damage reported.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/>
** Almost no damage occured in March 11 earthquake.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/>One unit of fluorescent lights in the archive fell in April 11 aftershock.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0407_1st"/>
* [Iwanuma City Library East Annex [[岩沼市図書館東分館/en]]] Flooded by the tsunami by about 45cm above the floor. Bookshelves fell at several locations. UPS submerged, PCs are suspected broken.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/><ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_3rd">[http://www.library.pref.miyagi.jp/20110311_jishin_miyagi.html The East Japan Earthquake related information (Miyagi Prefecture Library) 3.11 Earthquake information(3) obtained on 3/4/2011 0:21 MY-NET]</ref>
* Iwanuma City Library West Annex
** No huge damage reported.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/>
* Iwanuma City Library East Annex
** Flooded by the tsunami by about 45cm above the floor. Bookshelves fell at several locations. UPS submerged, PCs are suspected broken.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/><ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_3rd">[http://www.library.pref.miyagi.jp/20110311_jishin_miyagi.html The East Japan Earthquake related information (Miyagi Prefecture Library) 3.11 Earthquake information(3) obtained on 3/4/2011 0:21 MY-NET]</ref>
=== Damage of exhibitions and collections ===
=== Damage of exhibitions and collections ===
* Bookshelves and mass books fell.(We have completed packing those fallen books by March 18.)<ref name="staff"/>
* Bookshelves and mass books fell.(We have completed packing those fallen books by March 18.)<ref name="staff"/>
* Iwanuma City Library(old building)
* [Iwanuma City Library(old building)] Many books fell in the March 11 earthquake though we have packed more than 60,000 documents in boxes in preparation for moving. Currently on 23 March, we have nearly completed packing books. (with some mix)<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/>
** Many books fell in the March 11 earthquake though we have packed more than 60,000 documents in boxes in preparation for moving. Currently on 23 March, we have nearly completed packing books. (with some mix)<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/>
* [Iwanuma City Library (new building)] Some books fell in the April 11 aftershock.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0407_1st"/>
* Iwanuma City Library (new building)
* [Iwanuma City Library West Annex] No major damage reported.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/>
** Some books fell in the April 11 aftershock.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0407_1st"/>
* [Iwanuma City Library East Annex][[岩沼市図書館東分館/en]]] About half of the library materials (1,240 copies) were flooded, all audio-visual materials were destroyed.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_3rd"/>
* Iwanuma City Library West Annex
** No major damage reported.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/>
* Iwanuma City Library East Annex
** About half of the library materials (1,240 copies) were flooded, all audio-visual materials were destroyed.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_3rd"/>
=== Other damage ===
=== Other damage ===
* There were,
There were,
* Possibility of delay in transporting materials to the new building.<ref name="staff"/>
* Possibility of delay in transporting materials to the new building.<ref name="staff"/>
* Delays in transporting books and introducing new systems.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/>
* Delays in transporting books and introducing new systems.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/>
45行目: 37行目:
* Officials engaged in evacuation works,etc., in rotation. At that time, electricity, telephone, and gas line were recovered. Water and Internet waited to be recovered.<ref name="staff"/>
* Officials engaged in evacuation works,etc., in rotation. At that time, electricity, telephone, and gas line were recovered. Water and Internet waited to be recovered.<ref name="staff"/>
* Iwanuma City Library(old building)
* [Iwanuma City Library(old building)] Closed in preparation for the opening of the new building.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/>
** Closed in preparation for the opening of the new building.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/>
* [Iwanuma City Library (new building)] There were delays in transporting books and introducing new systems.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/><ref name="miyagi_lib_0407_1st"/>
* Iwanuma City Library (new building)
* [Iwanuma City Library West Annex] It has re-started since March 25.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_3rd"/>
** There were delays in transporting books and introducing new systems.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_2nd"/><ref name="miyagi_lib_0407_1st"/>
* [Iwanuma City Library East Annex [[岩沼市図書館東分館/en]]] It has restarted since June 20.(It is attached to [Iwanuma City Tamaura Kominkan][[岩沼市玉浦公民館/en]])
* Iwanuma City Library West Annex
* [Iwanuma City Library (new building)] It finally opened on May 28.
** It has re-started since March 25.<ref name="miyagi_lib_0311_3rd"/>
* Iwanuma City Library East Annex
** It has restarted since June 20.(It is attached to Iwanuma City Tamaura Kominkan)
* Iwanuma City Library (new building)
** It finally opened on May 28.
File:201105211000岩沼市新図書館_3.jpg|the exterior of a new Library (snapshoot:2011-05-21 by Tosaki)
66行目: 53行目:
=== Writer ===
=== Writer ===
* [http://twitter.com/#!/yoshim32 @yoshim32 ](3/15)
* Satoh (staff) 19/03/2011(add a postscript)
* [http://twitter.com/#!/yoshim32 @yoshim32 ](3/15)、職員 佐藤(3/19追記)
* [[利用者:Tsukamoto|Tsukamoto]] 2011年4月24日 (日) 21:10 (JST)
* [[利用者:Tsukamoto|Tsukamoto]] 2011年4月24日 (日) 21:10 (JST)
* Tosaki 21/05/2011(add a postscript)
* 2011-05-21外崎追記
* TakeKaz 31/07/2011
* TakeKaz 2011/7/31
=== Origin of information ===
=== Origin of information ===
* Visually by employees(3/11〜3/18)
* [http://www.library.pref.miyagi.jp/20110311_jishin_miyagi.html The East Japan Earthquake related information (Miyagi Prefecture Library)]
* [http://www.library.pref.miyagi.jp/20110311_jishin_miyagi.html The East Japan Earthquake related information (Miyagi Prefecture Library)]
* Visual confirmation 21/05/2011
* Visual confirmation(2011-05-21外崎)
=== References ===
[[Category:Miyagi Prefecture]]
[[Category:Miyagi Prefecture]]
[[Category:Public Library]]
[[Category:Public Library]]

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