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最新版 編集中の文章
1行目: 1行目:
|Name=Kuji City library
|Address=〒028-0023 Iwate Prefecture Kujishi shintyunobashi 5-28-4
|所在地=〒028-0023 岩手県久慈市新中の橋5-28-4
|Latitude longitude=40.1946737,141.7700049
|備考=公式ホームページには地震についての記述なし(2011-04-23 13:23)
|Remarks=The earthquake is not described in an official homepage.(2011-04-23 13:23)
== 被害状況 ==
==Damage State  ==
=== 職員・利用者の被害 ===
=== Damage of staff and users ===
*Danage is none
=== 施設の被害 ===
=== Damage of the facilities===
*Big damage is none
=== 蔵書の被害 ===
=== Damage of books ===
*One shelf fell
*Damage is in the lending material.
=== その他の被害 ===
=== Other damage ===
== 運営情報 ==
==Management information  ==
*Opening a library on Wednesday, March 16
== 救援状況 ==
*Closing the museum is scheduled even on the 13th.
Restoration waiting of electricity.It is taking shelter to the public hall of establishing as an annex by about 20 people.
== Rescue situation ==
== その他 ==
== Other ==
== 情報源 ==
=== 記入者 ===
== Source==
*[[利用者:Bouvardia|Bouvardia]] 2011年4月23日 (土) 04:29 (UTC)
* [http://twitter.com/#!/yoshim32 宮川(@yoshim32)]
=== 元情報 ===
=== Registrant===
*岩手県立図書館「東北地方太平洋沖地震に係る岩手県内公立図書館等の被害概況 平成23年4月19日現在」
*[[User:Bouvardia|Bouvardia]] April 23, 2011  04:29 (UTC)
* 岩手県立指定管理者によるTwitterへの書き込み。[http://twitter.com/#!/sympo_digital]
* [http://twitter.com/#!/yoshim32 Miyagawa(@yoshim32)]
===Former information ===
* Iwate Prefecture City library
「Damage general condition in Iwate prefecture public library etc. that lie the Tohoku region Pacific Ocean coast earthquakes
 As of April 19, 2011」
*Writing in Twitter by Iwate prefectural specification manager .[http://twitter.com/#!/sympo_digital]
[[Category: Iwate Prefecture]]
[[Category:Public library]]
[[Category:There is damage. ]]

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