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最新版 編集中の文章
1行目: 1行目:
'''To Teenage Users of Libraries (such as middle school and high school students) '''
=To Teenage Users of Libraries (such as middle school and high school students) =
This page provides some useful resources about library services and information for teenage users (mostly for middle school and high school students) .
This page provides some useful resources about library services and information for teenage users (mostly for middle school and high school students) .
=For those who are evacuated and away from home town=
==For those who are evacuated and away from home town==
*Local libraries in your current location may be offering library services for the victims and evacuees from out of town.
*Local libraries in your current location may be offering library services for the victims and evacuees from out of town.
 [[被災地や避難者に対する全国の図書館によるサービス/en |Services provided by each regional libraries for disaster victims and evacuees]]
 [[被災地や避難者に対する全国の図書館によるサービス/en |Services provided by each regional libraries for disaster victims and evacuees]]
=For those who are entering college in this April=
==For those who are entering college in this April==
*If you are a newly admitted student to a college but currently away from the area your college is, you may want to use the university libraries in your current location.  Some university libraries provide library services for the students like you. Each library has different policies. You may need a student I.D. or other identification. Contact the library before your visit.
*If you are a newly admitted student to a college but currently away from the area your college is, you may want to use the university libraries in your current location.  Some university libraries provide library services for the students like you. Each library has different policies. You may need a student I.D. or other identification. Contact the library before your visit.
 [[被災学生に対する全国の大学図書館によるサービス/en |List of university libraries providing services for the evacuated students]]
 [[被災学生に対する全国の大学図書館によるサービス/en |List of university libraries providing services for the evacuated students]]
=For those who want to study in depth of earthquakes and natural disasters=
==For those who want to study in depth of earthquakes and natural disasters==
*“Get the Facts: The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Power Plants” by The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan)[http://www.miraikan.jst.go.jp/linkage/quake2011/index_all.html]
*“Get the Facts: The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Power Plants” by The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan)[http://www.miraikan.jst.go.jp/linkage/quake2011/index_all.html]
[http://case311e.miraikan.jst.go.jp/ in English]
[http://case311e.miraikan.jst.go.jp/ in English]
26行目: 26行目:
*E-book, “Motto wakaru hoshano, hoshasen (= Radioactivity and Radiation, for better understanding”) [http://costep.hucc.hokudai.ac.jp/costep/news/article/121/], is published by Hokkaido University’s CoSTEP (Communicators in Science and Technology Education Program), and available for free. It is a forty page general book to give you a basic idea about radioactivity and radiation.   
*E-book, “Motto wakaru hoshano, hoshasen (= Radioactivity and Radiation, for better understanding”) [http://costep.hucc.hokudai.ac.jp/costep/news/article/121/], is published by Hokkaido University’s CoSTEP (Communicators in Science and Technology Education Program), and available for free. It is a forty page general book to give you a basic idea about radioactivity and radiation.   
=Free distribution of magazines and other publications=
==Free distribution of magazines and other publications==
*「週刊少年ジャンプ」特別無料配信について(4/4~4/27) [http://event.yahoo.co.jp/shonenjump/special/index.html]
*「週刊少年ジャンプ」特別無料配信について(4/4~4/27) [http://event.yahoo.co.jp/shonenjump/special/index.html]
*「週刊少年マガジン」等の無料公開(4/1~4/30) [http://kc.kodansha.co.jp/event/event_detail.php/3644]
*「週刊少年マガジン」等の無料公開(4/1~4/30) [http://kc.kodansha.co.jp/event/event_detail.php/3644]

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