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2011年4月1日 (金) 01:33時点における版

Messages from the World-私たちは一人ではない


  • 新規掲載分を上にしていきましょう。
  • 英文のものはぜひ翻訳をお願いします。掲載された英文を翻訳してくださるのも歓迎です。
  • なお、翻訳した際は原文も掲載しておきましょう。

How to send your message

  • Please, send your message via email
  • address is arg.editor [at] gmail.com.
  • We need Translators!! Please, contact Makoto Okamoto (arg.editor [at] gmail.com).


Mark Kendall ([[A Baker and Taylor Company>http://www.btol.com/]])

During this time of great difficulty and incalculable tragedy, please know that you are not alone and your colleagues within the library profession, and the industry that serves it, hold you all in our thoughts and prayers. We are all confident that from this disaster will soon rise an even stronger Japanese library network to support those in need that will surely need your information resources as they rebuild their lives.


Mark Kendall Senior Vice President, Sales YBP Library Services A Baker and Taylor Company

Mark Young (Library Supervisor, [[University of Washington>http://www.washington.edu/]])

Please know that many people who work in Libraries are thinking about your crisis. We wish you the best in recovering from this disaster.

Mark Young Library Supervisor University of Washington Seattle, Washington


☆ここから☆ ---

Subject: [IFLA-L] Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011
Dear Colleague,
  Today a powerful (magnitude of 8.8) earthquake struck a wide area of Japan. Unfortunately I have very few report about damages on Japanese libraries now. I would be grateful if another Japanese participants of IFLA-L would send additional information. Everyone, please be careful of disasters (earthquake, etc)! 
      Dozens killed as biggest quake strikes N.E. Japan, triggers tsunami("Japan Times" March 11, 2011)
      Earthquake Information (Japan Meteorological Agency)
      Magnitude 8.9 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN (2011 March 11 05:46:23 UTC) (U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center)
Best Regards,

件名:IFLA-L 2011年3月11日の日本における震災について

皆様, 本日,猛烈な(マグニチュード)地震が日本の幅広い地域を襲いました。残念ながら,私は現時点で日本の図書館の被害状況についてほとんど情報を持ち合わせておりません。IFLA-Lの日本参加者の方で追加情報をお持ちの方はお知らせ頂ければ幸いです。皆様,天災(地震など)には十分気をつけられますよう!

日本の北東部を最大級の地震が襲う。数十人の死者に加えて津波も発生している模様(ジャパンタイムズ2011年3月11日) http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20110311x1.html 地震情報(日本の気象庁) http://www.jma.go.jp/en/quake/ マグニチュード8.9近くの地震が本州東側で発生(アメリカ地質調査所の地震情報局(2011 March 11 05:46:23 UTC)) http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/usc0001xgp.html Best regards





    • Hosmik Golstyan氏,American University of Armenia, Papazian Library
Oh my God! What terrible news.
Our sincere condolences to our colleagues and all Japanese people.
Best regards
Hasmik Galstyan
Head of Circulation and Reference Department
American University of Armenia, Papazian Library
40 Marshal Baghramyan Avenue 
Yerevan 0019, Armenia

ああ,何というひどい知らせでしょうか。 私たちの仲間および日本の皆様へ哀悼の意を表します。 Best regards Hasmik Galstyan 貸出・レファレンス課長 American University of Armenia , Papazian Library


    • Michael Ellis( and Eriko Tamaki-Ellis)氏,Hanover College
We are hoping and praying for the best for our family members, you, our other colleagues, and all of Japan.

私たちの家族に等しい仲間ならびに,日本の皆様にとって最良の結果となりますよう祈念いたします。 Best regards

Michael Ellis( and Eriko Tamaki-Ellis) Duggan Library夜間レファレンス担当図書館員 ハノーバーカレッジ


Marie-C'cile ROBIN氏

thank you for your message.
my heart is broken : I am very fond of Japan.
My feelings are very close to all of you.

ご連絡有り難うございます。 私は日本が大好きですので,ひどく心を痛めております。 私の思いが皆様と共にありますよう。

Marie-C'cile ROBIN

18 , rue des Foss s St Jacques


Zhan Changzhi氏

When I learned this news, I am very anxious and sad! My deepest condolences to our colleagues and the people of Japan! I wish you luck!        Zhan Changzhi ,From P.R. China  

ニュースのこと伺いました。ひどく悲しく,心配しております!私たちの仲間および日本の皆様に深い哀悼の意を表します。皆様方に幸運のあらんことを。中国Zhan Changzhi


Delin R. Guerra氏,International Relations Office, American Library Association

My prayers are with the people of Japan. Thank you for keeping us updated.
Best regards,

日本の皆様のご無事をお祈り申し上げます。情報をアップデートして下さっていることに御礼申し上げます。 Best regards ,

Delin R. Guerra 国際関係局 アメリカ図書館協会


Ann Okerson氏,Yale Library

Dear All:  One of our library staff reports that Google has launched an application that helps connect and track missing people in Japan:
In case this is helpful.  Ann Okerson/Yale Library

皆様:仲間から,Googleが日本の震災で行方不明になった方の消息やコンタクトを取るためのアプリケーションを立ち上げたと報告を受けました。ご参照下さい。 http :// japan.person-finder.appspot.com/?lang=en http :// www.huffingtonpost.com/ 2011/ 03/ 11/ japan-earthquake-google-person-finder-_n_834445.html 何かの助けになれば。 Ann Okerson/ Yale Library



Sylvia Piggott氏, Global Information Solutions Group, Information Officer, CPDWL (IFLA)

My deepest sympathy goes out to the people of Japan on hearing of the tragedy of the 
earthquake.  I am from a country which is in the earthquake belt and we fear having a 
catastrophe such as yours.  We can only hope that the loss of life will not touch our 
friends in Japan.
Best wishes to you and your family
Sylvia Piggott
Global Information Solutions Group
Information Officer, CPDWL (IFLA)
Past-President of SLA 1996-97

この度の震災の悲劇について伺いました。日本の皆様に弔意を表明いたします。 私は断層がある国の出身で,あなた方のように大災害に脅かされている状況です。 私たちは親愛なる日本の皆様の生活が失われることのないよう祈ることしかできません。 皆様によろしくお伝え下さい。

Sylvia Piggott Global Information Solutions Group Information Officer , CPDWL( IFLA)


Sami Batrawi氏,Director General Library &Copyright Dept., Palestinian Ministry of Culture

I would like to express my feelings of solidarity and sympathy with the Japanese people  .
wish u all the best 

Sami Batrawi
Director General Library &Copyright Dept.
Palestinian Ministry of Culture

皆さま: 日本の皆様に弔慰を表明いたします。一致団結して今回の事態へ対応して参りましょう。 皆様にとって最良の結果となりますよう。

Sami Batrawi
Director General Library&Copyright Dept .
Palestinian Ministry of Culture



Diane Stein (School Library Media Specialist, Thomas Edison High School)

Please know that all our prayers go out to you and your families.

2011年3月17日0:11 記入者:[[岡本真 >http://twitter.com/arg]]

Britt Anne Murphy (Associate Librarian, [[Bailey Library>http://www.hendrix.edu/baileylibrary/]], Hendrix College)

Greetings, Japanese Colleagues!

If we librarians have anything in common it is knowing the power of information, and how connecting people to each other through information is one of our most critical goals. In this moment, you feel disconnected and face terrible challenges. I do hope you know that our community of librarians is with you and will support you as you re-establish connections and lives. We reach out to you with kindness during difficult times – you are undoubtedly leaders in your community already, if there is anything the library community can do from afar to assist sustaining your roles in your communities, let us know. We will do it.

(私たちは、共にライブラリアンとして、情報の持つ力について知っています。そして、情報を通してどのように人々をつなげるかが、私たちにとってもっとも大切なゴールです。  いま、みなさんはそのつながりがばらばらになってしまったと感じているでしょう。とんでもない難題に直面していることでしょう。  ぜひ、知っておいてほしいと思います。我々ライブラリアンのコミュニティは皆さんとともにあること。そして、皆さんが人々のつながりと生活とを取り戻そうとするにあたって、皆さんを支えるであろうことを。   この難局において、心を込めてお手伝いします。皆さんはもはや間違いなく地域におけるリーダーです。地域における皆さんの役割を維持していくにあたって、遠くからでも援助できることが我々図書館コミュニティにあるのでしたら、おっしゃってください。お手伝い致します。)

Warm regards,

Britt Anne Murphy

Associate Librarian, Bailey Library, Hendrix College

2011年3月17日0:43 記入者:[[岡本真 >http://twitter.com/arg]] 邦訳:[[egami >http://twitter.com/egamiday]]

Rita Ormsby

Hello Japanese librarians and all others,

I work as a college librarian with faculty and students from Japan and I am so sorry for all the recent events that you have experienced. Just remember that millions of people are thinking of you, and can help with the recovery ahead.

The bravery and conduct of the Japanese that has been shown on television is a lesson for all of us. Take care, Rita Ormsby

(私は大学のライブラリアンで、日本から来た教員や学生の皆さんのいるところで働いています。今回皆さんが遭遇なさった件についてとてもきのどくに思っています。どうぞ、たくさんの人々が皆さんのことを思っていること、そして復旧に向けてお手伝いできるんだということを、忘れないでください。  日本の皆さんの勇敢さと振る舞いはテレビで拝見しており、学ばせていただいています。  ご自愛ください。)

2011年3月16日23:35 記入者:[[岡本真 >http://twitter.com/arg]] 邦訳:[[egami >http://twitter.com/egamiday]]



今、メールを目の前にして、メッセージを送ろうとしているのですが、正直なところ、言葉にできません。 仙台は私の生まれた場所でもあり、複雑な心境です。 希望を持ってください、とか頑張ってください、とか今全く変わらない生活を送っている私の口から言うことができないというのが正直な気持ちです。 でも、世界中のたくさんの人たちが心を痛め、みなさまのことを思っているのは確かだということは実感しています。 今私が通っている学校、Emporia State University、では、千羽鶴募金が始まりました。そして、食料寄付の活動も行われいます。私も参加します。これらの、千羽鶴、募金、食料は、近く、みなさまのところへ届くはずです。 なくなった方たちの分まで生きてください。私も、命の尊さを感じています。今は、”時”を待ってください。かならず、その”時”がくることは確かです。うまく言葉にできなくて、ごめんなさい・・・


2011年3月17日18:57 記入者:[[岡本真 >http://twitter.com/arg]]

H. Sonne de Torrens (The University of Toronto Faculty Association's Librarians Committee)

Dear Colleagues,

The University of Toronto Faculty Association's Librarians Committee wishes to express to our colleagues across Japan, our sincere condolences regarding the horrific events that have been happening in your country this past week. As many of you know, the University of Toronto Library has had a long-standing association on many levels with our Japanese friends and affiliated institutions.

Whether or not there have been numbers of our professional colleagues lost or there have been losses for our colleagues in friends, relatives and acquaintances, we mourn with you. We share your grief and would like to assure you of our support during these exceedingly difficult times.

Our thoughts remain with you. If there is anything that we can do in a practical way, please let us know.

On behalf of all our members,

H. Sonne de Torrens

2011年3月17日6:22 翻訳中 記入者:[[岡本真 >http://twitter.com/arg]]

Johannes Mikuteit (Fachreferent für Geschichte und Kulturgeschichte, Universitätsbibliothek Kiel)

Dear colleagues,

I feel pity for your nation´s doom and wish you all the best for your future, Johannes

Dr. Johannes Mikuteit Fachreferent für Geschichte und Kulturgeschichte Universitätsbibliothek Kiel

2011年3月17日16:40 翻訳中 記入者:[[岡本真 >http://twitter.com/arg]]

Erika Mager (Zentrum für technologiegestützte Bildung/http://www.fernausbildung.org)

Dear librarians in Japan,

my thoughts are with you.

Take care!

Dipl. Bibl. Erika Mager

Zentrum für technologiegestützte Bildung Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/ Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg

2011年3月17日16:48 翻訳中 記入者:[[岡本真 >http://twitter.com/arg]]

  • JLAメールマガジン第545号から転載


Ellen Tise IFLA会長より

Noboru Shiomi Chairman, Board of Directors Japan Library Association

Dr Makoto Nagao Librarian of the National Diet Dear Noboru Shiomi and Dr Nagao

On behalf of the IFLA family of the world's librarians I convey to the Japanese library community our deep concerns for the welfare of our Japanese colleagues and their families. The news reports show the devastating impact of the earthquake and tsunami on the three prefectures of Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima in particular, and though it is evident that the whole Japanese community has been affected we are encouraged by the spirit in which the Japanese people are working together to recover from this disaster.

May I assure you that you have the support of the IFLA family in this recovery. I understand that your priorities are now for the safety of colleagues, restoring library services, and helping to rebuild lives and communities from the destruction. If there is any way that IFLA can be of assistance please let me know.

Our thoughts are with you all. Kind regards

Ellen Tise IFLA President

Jianzhong WU 上海図書館長より

On behalf of Dr. Jianzhong WU, director of Shanghai Library, China: Dear Colleagues in Japan,

We felt terribly sorry and grieved for the catastrophe you are now struggling against. It brought us back to 2008 when a similar disaster claimed the lives of tens of thousands in our motherland. As the closest neighbor to Japan, we wish to convey our deepest condolence and sympathies to the victims and provide our supports in whatever possible ways for our counterparts there. Fortunately, the orderly capital and the optimistic remarks on the part of its residents convince us of the final victory of this nation over the natural tragedy. And our best wishes and prayers will be with you for the days to come.

Sincerely, Jianzhong WU

Best regards, Dennie Lee




Message to colleagues in Japan The staff members of the Asian Division of the Library of Congress want you to know that you are in our thoughts as we watch the tragic events unfold every day in Tohoku Japan. We wish you much courage in the difficult times lying ahead.

Franklin Odo Chief, Asian Division Library of Congress

2011年3月17日6:45 記入者:[[岡本真 >http://twitter.com/arg]]

Martha L. Foote (M.L.I.S., General Manager, [[LibraryCo>http://www.libraryco.ca/]])

Good afternoon,

I want to tell you that your Canadian colleagues are following the devastating events in Japan. We are very much in solidarity with you and want you to know that we are thinking of you at such a stressful time in your lives. Please remember that you have friends who care about you.

Regards, Martha

2011年3月16日1:40 記入者:[[岡本真 >http://twitter.com/arg]]

Christopher Evans (Collections/Acquisitions Technician, [[Library Collection Management, Legislative Library of Ontario>http://www.ontla.on.ca/web/go2.jsp?Page=/lao-organization/office_of_the_assembly_main&locale=en#leg_library]])

Hello from Toronto, Canada

I wish to express my most sincere concern for the people of Japan that are affected by these terrible disasters. I wishing you a safe and speedy recovery from these disasters.

You are in our hearts and our thoughts.

Christopher Evans Collections/Acquisitions Technician Library Collection Management Legislative Library of Ontario

2011年3月16日4:02 記入者:[[岡本真>http://twitter.com/arg]]

Jacqueline Simone (Chief Librarian, [[Mildred Elley College>http://www.mildred-elley.edu/]])

Dear Fellow Librarians

I am so sorry to hear about your recent tragedy in Sendai. You have my deepest sympathy.

Please let me know if I can be of any assistance during this difficult time.

Kind Regards,


Jacqueline Simone Chief Librarian Mildred Elley College

2011年3月16日4:51 記入者:[[岡本真>http://twitter.com/arg]]

James E. Manasco (SLA's Emergency Preparedness & Recovery Advisory Council / MSLS, FSLA, Head, Collection Development, LL38 [[Ekstrom Library>http://louisville.edu/library/ekstrom]], University of Louisville)

I'm the Chair of SLA's Emergency Preparedness & Recovery Advisory Council. SLA and its members are very much interested and concerned about the situation in Japan and are curious about what we can do to help libraries and librarians in the affected areas. We can certainly advertise the link for folks in the US to donate to the Red Cross effort to assist survivors, but beyond that are there other opportunities where we can assist libraries and librarians? We have assisted librarians in New Zealand by providing links to consultants and specialists in recovering quake damaged library materials. Thank you for getting the word out! My thoughts and prayers are with you all!

Take care, James

James E. Manasco, MSLS, FSLA Head, Collection Development LL38 Ekstrom Library 2301 S. Third Street University of Louisville

2011年3月16日4:48 記入者:[[岡本真>http://twitter.com/arg]]

ヴァンデ・ウェール会長 [[ヨーロッパ日本資料専門家委員会>http://eajrs.net/about]] 会長

この数日間、私たちは日本を襲った地震と津波による破壊的な結果を目撃し続けています。多くの人命と家屋が失われました。皆様そして皆様のご家族がご無事であること、そして被害に遭われた方々が悲しみと苦難を乗り越える勇気と力を持たれますよう謹んでお祈り申し上げます。  一瞬のうちに多くの人々の命がどのようにしてなくなってしまうのかを見るのは心が痛みます。家屋、建物、車が流されていく津波の映像を見るたびに、被害者の中にはひょっとしたら知っている人がいるかもしれないという思いがよぎります。今は、日本人だけではなく、日本になんらかの関係を持つすべての人々にとって、たいへん悲しい時です。わたしたちの思いは被害を受けられている人たち、すべてと共にあります。 心の思いと祈りをこめて。


(原文) Chairman, Prof. Vande Walle European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists

The past few days we have been witnessing the devastating consequences of the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan. Many homes and lives have been lost. We sincerely hope that you, your friends and relatives are safe, and that all those who are affected, will have the courage and the strength to overcome the sorrow and suffering. It is painful to see how the lives of so many people were destroyed in a matter of seconds. Each time I watch the scenes of the tsunami, washing away houses, buildings or cars, I wonder whether perhaps there might have been among the victims someone you used to know. This is a very sad time not only for the Japanese, but also all those who in one way or another have a connection with the country. Our thoughts are with all those who suffer.

With my warmest regards,


Carol Heepke ([[Boulder Public Library >http://boulderlibrary.org/]])

To the Librarians of Japan,

Please know that your colleagues in Boulder, Colorado and thinking of you and hoping damage to your precious institutions is able to be minimized. But we know some libraries are probably totally destroyed and we are eager to help when the proper course of action can be discerned.

Here in Boulder, we had many months ago planned an Origami Festival for Sunday, March 13 and it was very successful, with many attendees eager to learn to make origami models, but also eager to know how they might help you. We had names of organizations they could contribute to for immediate disaster relief, (ie RED CROSS) but I’m sure MANY of them would like to contribute to library rebuilding efforts once they are underway.

Personally, my own thoughts are with all of you suffering in Japan every hour. Please know that your friends in the U.S. care want to help.

Carol Heepke







Jennifer Burns (2011 President, [[SLA Toronto Chapter>http://units.sla.org/chapter/ctor/]])

Dear colleagues and friends in Japan:

I write to you on behalf of the members of the Toronto Chapter of the Special Libraries Association. Know that you and your colleagues working in Toronto and abroad are in our thoughts. We are watching and waiting with you: you are not alone. We wish you strength and courage at this very difficult time. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you.


Jennifer Burns 2011 President, SLA Toronto Chapter

2011年3月16日1:32 記入者:[[岡本真>http://twitter.com/arg]]

ジュリー・アンダーソン(オンタリオ州議会 情報技術サービス部門 州議会図書館 収書兼レファレンスライブラリアン)




Julie Anderson (Collections and Research Librarian, Legislative Library, Information and Technology Services Division, Legislative Assembly of Ontari)

Thinking of you all at this dark and tragic time. My heart goes out to your country and specifically to you librarians, brave custodians of information.

Julie Anderson, Ontario, Canada

Julie Anderson Collections and Research Librarian Legislative Library Information and Technology Services Division Legislative Assembly of Ontari

2011年3月15日22:37 記入者:[[岡本真>http://twitter.com/arg]]

Reme Grefalda(米議会図書館アジア部門Primary Holdingsイニシアティブ、Asian American Pacific Islander コレクション、図書館員兼キュレーター)




Reme Grefalda (Librarian / Curator, Asian American Pacific Islander Collection, Primary Holdings Initiative, Asian Division, [[Library of Congress>http://www.loc.gov/]])

Please know that your colleagues/librarians in the U.S. are with you in your time of mourning and sorrow. We send you our prayers and our thoughts with great hope that in time within the near future we can help you rebuild your communities and your lives.


Reme Grefalda Librarian / Curator Asian American Pacific Islander Collection Primary Holdings Initiative Asian Division Library of Congress

2011年3月15日23:08 記入者:[[岡本真>http://twitter.com/arg]]


日本の図書館関係者の皆様が、このような大惨事の中でも強く希望を持って、多くの支援を賜れますよう、心から願っています。 私たちは皆あなた方のことを思っています。そして皆様にとってよいと思われることや寄付を送っております。皆様方は再建するでしょう。そして、私たちはできる限りお手伝いできると思います。 がんばって!




Laura Leone ([[the Center for Jewish History>http://www.cjh.org/]])


I just wanted to send our Japanese colleagues much hope and support in this terrible time. We are all thinking of you and sending good thoughts (and donations) your way. You will rebuild, and hopefully we can all help as much as we can. Stay strong! Best,

Laura Leone and all your library/archives colleagues at [[the Center for Jewish History>http://www.cjh.org/]], New York, NY.

2011年3月15日23:27 記入者:[[岡本真>http://twitter.com/arg]]

メリー・アン・ハーパー (Library Directorm, Ouachita Technical College Library, One College Circle)


メリー・アン・ハーパー Ouachita Technical College 図書館長



Mary Ann Harper (Library Directorm, [[Ouachita Technical College Library>http://www.otc.tec.ar.us/future-students/library.asp]], One College Circle)

We are so very sorry for the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Know that we are praying for all of you to know God is with you and will help you, even in this very tragic time. We will be here to help as we can as librarians from the United States of America. Sincerely,

Mary Ann Harper Library Director Ouachita Technical College Library One College Circle

2011年3月16日0:49 記入者:[[岡本真>http://twitter.com/arg]]

ドミニカ・ソーラン(ロットマンスクールビジネス情報センター レファレンスアシスタント)

図書館関係者の皆様、 このような大惨事、心が張り裂ける思いです。 この事態を乗り越えられますようにと、祈っております。私たちがあなた方を思っていること、どうか忘れないでください。



Dominika Solan (Reference Assistant at [[Business Information Centre, Rotman School of Management>http://www.rotman.utoronto.ca/bic/]])

Dear Librarians, I was deeply moved by the disaster that has befallen you. I wish you strength and courage in these difficult times. Please know that you are in our thoughts. Best, Dominika Solan

2011年3月15日23:38 記入者:[[岡本真>http://twitter.com/arg]]

ヨランダ・ル・フォー(オンタリオ州議会 情報技術サービス部門 収書担当)




Yolanda Le Fort (Acquisitions Technician, Information and Technology Services Division, Legislative Assembly of Ontario)


We in Ontario, Canada are concerned and our thoughts are with you. I work in a library as a technician so I see the headlines every day. Are you able to use your computers today? I hope that the phone lines are beginning to work again. Much hope for your recovery. Please email anytime if you like.

Yolanda Le Fort Acquisitions Technician Information and Technology Services Division Legislative Assembly of Ontario Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A9 Email: yolanda_lefort@ontla.ola.org

2011年3月15日4:25 記入者:[[岡本真>http://twitter.com/arg]]

Florentia Zagorodski (Library Assistant, Ontario Energy Board)

皆様、 心から心へ、母から母へ、図書館関係者から図書館関係者へ。神は我々すべてをお助けくださいます。 私と私の家族はこの出来事をつぶさに見続けながら、日本に住んでいるすべての家族の方々のために祈っております。 心から深くお見舞い申し上げます。あなた方すべてに神のご加護を。



Florentina Zagorodski (Library Assistant, [[Ontario Energy Board>http://www.ontarioenergyboard.ca/OEB/]] , Robert W. Macaulay Library)

Hi All, From heart to heart, from mom to mom, from librarian to librarian- God help us all. I and my family are watching closely the latest event and we are praying for all families in Japan. Our deepest sympathy for those in great need. May God bless you all

Florentina Zagorodski Library Assistant Ontario Energy Board, Robert W. Macaulay Library Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4P 1E4 Web site: www.ontarioenergyboard.ca

2011年3月15日4:56 記入者:[[岡本真>http://twitter.com/arg]]






Dear Librarians:

We in the US are so grateful for your work on the library project, especially in the face of a once-every-1000 years earthquake and tsunami. Please keep up the spirit and know that your work is very meaningful to all of our outside Japan who study and want to bring Japan closer to the world. Ganbatte kudasai!

Warm regards,

Pete Williams SUCCESS STORIES: JAPAN Executive Newsletter www.SuccessStories.com/sshome.htm

2011年3月15日6:14 記入者:[[岡本真>http://twitter.com/arg]]

ブリジット・リビングストーン(レファレンステクニシャン、Knowledge and Research Centre)

こんにちは。 テレビやインターネットで映し出される凄まじい光景。こうむった被害は計り知れないでしょう。住む所を失い、さぞかし恐怖だったことでしょう。





Ms. Brigitte Livingstone (Library Reference Technician, Knowledge and Research Centre)


The pictures on TV or the internet are horrifying. The damage that occurred is absolutely mindboggling. The loss of lives is terrifying. I wish you all affected, much stamina and strength to make it through a very difficult time. Hopefully mother nature is kind and the damage can be contained.

The world has become such a small place. We are all affected in some way, to what is happening to you. I will do what I can in some small way to help. We are all in this together!!!

With warm wishes,

Brigitte Livingstone Library Reference Technician Knowledge and Research Centre Ontario Region – Toronto

2011年3月15日5:43 記入者:[[岡本真>http://twitter.com/arg]]

[[Chinese American Librarians Association>http://www.cala-web.org/]] and [[the East Asia Library at the University of Washington>http://www.lib.washington.edu/east-asia/]]




Chinese American Librarians Association and the East Asia Library at the University of Washington send our strongest support and profound solicitude! Zhijia Shen President of Chinese American Librarians Association Director, East Asia Library

2011年3月15日9:14 記入者:[[岡本真>http://twitter.com/arg]]


皆様 この度の貴地を襲った震災の模様を知り、驚愕すると同時に断腸の思いです。日本の皆様に哀悼の意をお伝え申し上げます。何か私共に出来ることがございましたら、どうかご遠慮なく何なりとお申しつけください。皆様のご無事と安全、また一刻も早いご再興を心よりお祈り申し上げます。

[[北米東亜図書館協会>http://www.eastasianlib.org/]]会長 ジョイ・キム joykim [ a t ] usc.edu<mailto:joykim@usc.edu>


日本の図書館関係者の皆様    東日本大地震での被害に対し心からのお見舞いを申し上げます。被害状況はこちらでもUSTREAM等、通じて知らされており、海外にいる日本関係の仕事をしておりますわたしたちにも、日本研究をする人たちから、そして日本に興味を持つさまざまな人たちから、それこそ世界中からのメッセージをわたくしも受け取っております。


例えば http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/event.php?eid=147588905304642




[[北米日本研究資料調整協議会>http://www.nccjapan.org/]] 会長 ヨコタ カーター 啓子


OCLC QuestionPoint senior product manager McGlamery,Susan 様とMLからのメッセージ

From:    "McGlamery,Susan" <mcglames@oclc.org>
To:      <ref-cc@ML.AFFRC.GO.JP>
Date:    Mon, 14 Mar 2011 05:48:26 -0400
Subject: [ref-cc:55509] Re: [QUESTIONPOINT-L] Please permit using QP all Japanese Libraries


日本の他の図書館がクエスチョンポイント(OCLCの QuestionPoint)のアカウントを使うことは大丈夫です。この困難な時期に際して、クエスチョンポイントのサービスが有益でありますことを願っています。他に何か私が出来ることがありましたらどうぞお知らせ下さい。OCLCのクエスチョンポイント担当チーム一同、皆さんの努力が最善の結果に結びつきますよう願っています。私たちのこころはハヤシさんと日本の方々と共にあります。

スーザン・マクグラメリー OCLC


Dear Takanori HAYASHI,

Yes, it is ok for the other libraries in Japan to use your QuestionPoint account. I hope the QuestionPoint service will be of use during this challenging time. Please let me know if there is anything we can do. The QuestionPoint team wishes you all the best, and our thoughts are with you and the people of Japan!

Best wishes, Susan

Susan McGlamery QuestionPoint senior product manager OCLC mcglames@oclc.org

Subject: Best wishes
From: "Berninger, Martha F. DPI-RLL" <Martha.Berninger@dpi.wi.gov>
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 13:03:52 -0500
To: "'tzhaya@affrc.go.jp'" <tzhaya@affrc.go.jp>

皆さんの図書館を支援するために、ウィスコンシン州内の図書館はクエスチョンポイントと協力し、出来るだけのことをいたします。皆さんの図書館、まち、それから日本全体に対する私どもの深い憂慮と最大の希望をどうぞお受け取り下さい。   マーサ・ファーレイ・バーニンガー 主任 Resources for Libraries and Lifelong Learning ウィスコンシン


Wisconsin libraries will work with QuestionPoint to do all we can to support your libraries. Please accept our best wishes and deep concern for your library, your city, and the whole of Japan.


Martha Farley Berninger Supervisor Resources for Libraries and Lifelong Learning 608-224-6168 AskAway - Get help 24 hours a day!

Subject: Earthquake
From: Helene Volat <hvolat@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 14:45:46 -0400
To: tzhaya@affrc.go.jp


あなたからのメールを今読んだところです。(OCLCの)クエスチョンポイント以外に、アメリカにいる司書の同僚として私たちに何か手伝えることがあったら知らせてください。私自身何年か前に仙台を訪れ、その時の町の素晴らしかったことを覚えています。不幸にも私の親愛なるヤマダカス(ズ)オ先生からの知らせがないままです。   大きな嘆きをもって様子を見守り、また皆さんがこのひどい悲劇的災難を乗り越えられるよう望んでいます。

ヘレン・ヴォラ レファレンス・インフォーメーションサービス部長 ストーニー・ブルック大学図書館 ストーニー・ブルック、ニューヨーク


Dear Takanori Hayashi,

I just read your mail. As a fellow librarian in the United States, let me know what we can do to help you, besides QP. I visited Sendai myself several years ago and have wonderful memories of the town. Unfortunately I am without news from a dear friend, Professor Kasuo Yamada.

We are following the events with great distress and hope that you will overcome this awful tragedy.


Hélène Volat Head of Reference & Information Services Stony Brook University Libraries Melville Library Stony Brook, NY 11794-7100 phone: 631-632-9962 fax: 631-632-7116 http://ms.cc.sunysb.edu/~hvolat

DRF-MLに寄せられた香港大学David Palmer さんからのメッセージ

DRFIC2009で発表もされ,日本にも住んでおられたことのあるPalmerさんから MLあてです。


デビッド・パルマー 香港


"My sincere prayers for the many fine people and libraries of Tohoku."

David Palmer Hong Kong


[[GreyNet International>http://www.greynet.org]] Dominic Farace さん(オランダ)より

Subject: Expression of Deep Concern Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 10:06:17 +0100



ドミニク・ファラス グレイネット・インターナショナル アムステルダム オランダ


Please know that the GreyNet community is deeply touched by the natural disaster that has taken place in Japan. It is very difficult to express in words. And, due to physical distances, it is equally difficult to demonstrate the sincere concern we share with you - our Japanese colleagues.

We will continue to follow developments in the search for and rescue of survivors and the restoration of the devastated areas along your coastline.


Dominic Farace

GreyNet International Grey Literature Network Service Javastraat 194-HS 1095 CP Amsterdam Netherlands T/F +31-(0)20 331 2420 Email: info at greynet.org Url: http://www.greynet.org

"GreyNet is dedicated to Research, Publication, Open Access, and Education in the field of Grey Literature"

記入者: [[@sabarya>http://twitter.com/sabarya]], 2011.3.14 19:30RemePet