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最新版 編集中の文章
9行目: 9行目:
However, it is expected to take many years and cost a large amount to restore those services, because many of them were also badly affected by the earthquakes and tsunami.
However, it is expected to take many years and cost a large amount to restore those services, because many of them were also badly affected by the earthquakes and tsunami.
'''saveMLAK''' is gathering and summarizing information on the damage to the people and facilities in the disaster area and the requests for assistance from the victims. We, librarians, curators, archivists and similar professions, would also like to provide the information to the affected museums, libraries, archives and community centers about what they can do and what they need.
'''saveMLAK''' is gathering and summarizing information on the damage to the people and facilities in the disaster area and the requests for assistance from the victims. We, librarians, curators, archivists and similar jobs, would also like to provide the information to the affected musems, libraries, archives and community centers about what they can do and what they need.
Not all pages in this site are up to date or have the best information. Anyone can edit all pages in this site. We welcome any information from those who live in and go to the quake-hit areas, especially from the staff of MLAK. Contributions from non-professionals in other areas are also welcome. For more information, see [[saveMLAK:参加・編集の基本|saveMLAK:Editing policy]].
Not all pages in this site are up to date or have the best information. Anyone can edit all pages in this site. We welcome any information from those who live in and go to the quake-hit areas, especially from the staff of MLAK. Contributions from non-professionals in other areas are also welcome. For more information, see [[saveMLAK:参加・編集の基本|saveMLAK:Editing policy]].

saveMLAKへの投稿はすべて、クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示-継承 (詳細はsaveMLAK:著作権を参照)のもとで公開したと見なされることにご注意ください。 自分が書いたものが他の人に容赦なく編集され、自由に配布されるのを望まない場合は、ここに投稿しないでください。
また、投稿するのは、自分で書いたものか、パブリック ドメインまたはそれに類するフリーな資料からの複製であることを約束してください。 著作権保護されている作品は、許諾なしに投稿しないでください!

このページを編集するには、下記の確認用の質問に回答してください (詳細):

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