
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動

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最新版 編集中の文章
3行目: 3行目:
=== Damage of the personnel and Users ===
=== Damage of the personnel and Users ===
*No damage
No damage
=== Damage of the facilities ===
=== Damage of the facilities ===
*More than 30parts of the buildings are damaged. (chipped wall materials, broken window glasses, etc)
Huge damage (broken glass)
*Huge damage (broken glass)
=== Damage of materials and artifacts===
=== Damage of materials and artifacts===
*Big part of materials fell down on floor
Big part of materials fell down on floor
=== Management Status===
=== Management Status===
*Facilities will be opened on 20th August, 2011
Information from official HP
*Information from official HP
- Most of facilities are open from 8:30am until 5;00pm
- Most of facilities are open from 8:30am until 5;00pm
- Air conditioner is not working.
- Air conditioner is not working.
21行目: 19行目:
== Other ==
== Other ==
<Recovery Efforts>
Facilities are closed and recovery efforts are conducted from 12th March, 2011
*Office is moved to neighbouring building.
*Boarded up windows instead of glass as quick fix
*Taped up cracked windows as a quick fix
*Conducting earth leakage exam
*Cleaning up office or book storeroom.  Installing safety catcher.
*Cleaning away the rubble or broken glasses
*Placement of exhibition materials
*Carry possible ignition materials out of book storerooms
== Resources ==
== Resources ==
=== Writer ===
=== Writer ===
*Hakudou May 6th, Friday, 2011
*Hakudou May 6th, Friday, 2011
41行目: 28行目:
=== Sources of information ===
=== Sources of information ===
*[http://www.archives.go.jp/top/pdf/110725_01_01.pdf National Archives of Japan]
*twitter: #jishinmuse
*twitter: #jishinmuse
*HP of Fukushima Cultural Center
*HP of Fukushima Cultural Center

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